Winter Jam Recap!

Hey Y’all!

Last Sunday, Aaron and I assisted the other youth leaders at Community Bible Church to take our youth group to Winter Jam in Cleveland. During the beginning of the show we went to a short conference for the youth leaders. We got to see Eddie Carswell of Newsong, Tenth Avenue North lead singer Mike Donehey, evangelist Nick Hall, rapper Lecrae, and Michael Tait and Duncan Phillips of the Newsboys. As youth leaders, it is so important that we set positive examples for young adults. I hope to be as encouraging and engaging as I can be to our youth.

I was stoked and even more excited that they shared their stories of faith with us. A special part that Eddie Carswell touched on dealt with Holt International, a renowned adoption agency. We were able to meet a special girl, Autumn Cloud, who at the age of 13 was adapted from China to an American family. In China after the age of 13, you cannot be adopted. It was heartbreaking to hear about their laws and contingencies they have on adoption. All throughout the concert, tables were placed from Holt that had pictures of children from allover the World you could choose to support and even adopt. Seems that God keeps telling me a message about adoption! I am thankful that I serve a Lord that I know will provide at the right time when Aaron and I get the opportunity to adopt eventually.

The show was so amazing. It was awesome to see so many young people loving and worshipping the Lord. Each band was great. Newsboys were the last to go, and they were excellent. Closing out with “My God’s Not Dead” , the Newsboys brought the house down.  Their new album, RESTART, is on permanent rotation in my car. It is feel good music!

If you get the opportunity to check out Winter Jam, please GO! You won’t regret this night of worship and devotion.  Next stops are in Nashville TN, Columbia SC,  and Fort Worth, TX!!! All my southerners, don’t miss it!

Got our Passes!
Got our Passes!


Lecrae speaking about his testimony
Lecrae speaking about his testimony
Great Seats - This was Newsongs set
Great Seats – This was Newsongs set



  1. Barb Garey
    February 28, 2014 / 10:16 am

    Every time I went to a Christian revival like that with our youth group I always walked away feeling blessed to be with such awesome kids! My faith was recharged and renewed! What an Awesome God we serve! Thank you for sharing your experience!

  2. February 28, 2014 / 10:24 am

    Amen Barb! It was so great to see all the young people there. Miss you, we need to get together soon! And the summer needs to hurry up. Lol.