Surviving Old Man Winter Tips

Alright ladies (and gents)! We are in the middle of winter (thank the Lord it’s almost over  <insert happy dance here>) and I wanted to share with y’all some of the things that I do to help me stay positive and happy during the long winter months. For those of y’all who do not know my background, I am a Georgia Peach through and through living in Ohio now. So it took me a while, I would say three years lol (about as long as I have been here), to get acclimated to the climate. These are my weekly go to’s to help me survive old man winter.
1. Daily Devotion – every day I spend time in the word. I read a daily devotion, read my bible, maybe a Christian book (I just finished Fervent-post on that to come!), PRAY, and work on a bible study (if I am involved in a group at the time). I have done this the last five years or so and to help get you started, set aside ample time to do it. Whether it’s in the morning, at lunch, or night – having a devotion incorporated into my day helps me keep focused on why I’m really here on Earth. It’s so easy to get caught up in life’s hustle and bustle and we need that reminder and clarity to help us really concentrate on what’s important.
2. Working Out – I love working out. Since becoming pregnant, I’ve cut my workouts to 3 (sometimes 4) days a week and I can’t tell you how good it makes you feel. Getting active helps put you in a better mood, you sleep better at night, and really feel better about yourself. Whether you are into dancing, walking, weight training, or kickboxing, do something to burn some energy today.
3. Getting Dolled Up – ok. So it’s winter and it’s gray and cold. You want to live in sweatpants (I hear you sister!) but if you lounge around in sweatpants all day, you will do just that. You aren’t prepared if you run into somebody at the store or if your husband gets home from work and wants to take you on a dinner date. I make it a point to steam my clothing options the Sunday before and then I have a variety of things to choose from. I despise ironing and it cuts down on time and excuses if you steam items ahead of time. Also, citrus colors like your oranges, yellows, and reds lift your spirits. If you’re feeling down, throw on a red blouse and conquer the day.
4. Diet – I am addicted to water. It’s crazy, I know…but I seriously crave it. Water is essential for us and it has numerous benefits like helping our hair/skin glow by preventing dehydration, makes us feel more full, and aids the filtering process done by our kidneys and regular bowel function. I try to eat as clean as possible when it comes to food. So many things are overly processed and teeming with chemicals it’s important to really know what we are ingesting. Lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are staples in our home. I firmly believe a diet that’s healthy helps you have more energy and just feel good – which is essential for getting through winter!IMG_3799
5. Netflix – so Netflix is my guilty pleasure. Honey, I bet Aaron and I have watched most of the series on there. For those cold, snowy days that you just want to relax – here are some of our favorite shows:
The Killing
House of Cards
Breaking Bad
Orange is the New Black
High Profits
As with any season, do something this winter that helps you to appreciate the awesomeness of our God changing the weather. No matter if it’s a snow sport like skiing, cooking some homemade soup and grilled cheese, or snuggling with your family on the couch, cherish this time and know that it’s not lasting much longer.
I would love to hear your feedback and please share ways that help you get through winter!


  1. Marianna
    February 12, 2016 / 8:32 am

    Great ideas Brooke! I also try to do many of these things, otherwise I tend to get a little seasonal blues. Love that you are inspiring others!

  2. February 12, 2016 / 8:38 am

    Thank you Marianna! The winters definitely took some getting used to, but now I enjoy fires and movie nights. It’s the little things you look forward too and knowing that spring is coming helps too!

    February 12, 2016 / 9:17 am

    Good post! The best thing I can say about winter is that there is something special about a hot cup of coffee on a frosty morning!

  4. February 12, 2016 / 9:25 am

    Thank you Andrea! Miss you! And I completely agree- having coffee or hot chocolate boosts your spirits for sure during the cold months!