Happy 2023!

Happy New Year, y’all!

I always love the start of a fresh new year and the possibilities that lie with it. It’s one of my favorite days to DREAM and really think about what I want to focus on, whether it be personal goals or resolutions for my family. For many years I have done a vision board, bible reading and journaling, and it is WILD to look back and see the way that God has answered prayers.

I have journaled for several years now and when I do my daily bible reading or devotion – I always start out with three things that I am grateful for each day. These can be big or small – it is what YOU are currently grateful for. Next I write down the verse or summarize the passage of scripture that I read. Then I write down things that the Lord spoke to me about. What stuck out to me, is there something that I relate to? I end my daily journal with a written prayer. I use an acronym for the word PRAY:

(P)raise God for who He is!

(R)epent of things that you need to.

(A)sk God for what you desire – big or small!

(Y)ield to God and what HE has for you.

I learned several years ago, that I didn’t need to be so dead set in MY goals and what I WANTED, that I left NO ROOM for God to work. My journals are something that I hope to pass on to my children one day and they can read about how God moved in our lives.

For my vision board, I always start on Pinterest. I make a secret board and I save pins that inspire me, or things that I strive for, or how I want to live and feel. I type out scripture, goals, and quotes that I love. Next, I print everything out and glue to my board. Hang it in a place that you see often. It really is neat to look back each New Years Day on things that have happened and how God has provided.