Alicia’s Story

For a few months now, I have had this tugging feeling at my heart to compose a blog series about how faithful our God is. I have had many people around me and my own personal circumstances that have been overwhelming, trying, and at times hard to focus on how powerful and mighty our Redeemer is. I brought this idea of a blog series up to a few ladies close to me and they graciously agreed to share their stories and personal testimonies of how God is faithful. Through the next few weeks, each woman will share her personal story and how God has impacted their lives through their individual experiences. I would like to introduce my sweet sister-in-law, Alicia Rendon, who has battled breast cancer over the last year. Her story is one that inspires and helps us to focus and remember how sovereign our Lord is. It was our hope that sharing these stories would help reach others that may be going through difficult situations and letting the Lord’s light shine.

The Rendon Family

On May 28, 2015, my world turned upside-down when the radiologist told me he was concerned that the three masses he saw on ultrasound and mammogram were cancer. As a 33-year old wife and mother of three small children (at the time aged 3, 2, and 10 months), I was scared of what was to come. After further medical evaluation, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was told I would need chemotherapy, surgery, reconstruction, and possible radiation.

Throughout this process, and especially at the beginning when I was not sure if the cancer had spread to other parts of my body, I went through a variety of emotions, including despair. I specifically remember one Saturday morning when my husband was not home, I was sitting on the floor looking at my children wondering what life would be like for them without their mother. Fear overtook me, and I became panicked. Fortunately, my wonderful husband came home shortly after and could tell something was wrong. I explained to him how I was feeling, and he immediately knew what I needed…God and prayer. We sat down together and prayed. My husband also put on a TV program that just so happened to be talking about looking to God in the midst of a storm. The gentleman on TV even referenced a painting that we have in our home, which is when Jesus calls Peter to walk on water. The man was saying that we need to keep our eyes on God during the storm. Just as Peter was able to walk on water while he focused on the Lord (and sank when he took his eyes off Jesus when fear overcame him from the storm) so, too, are we supposed to focus on Jesus when life has its storms.

During my chemotherapy treatments, I had many days when I was extremely tired. I would sit up in my room and hear my children downstairs talking and laughing, and would feel guilty that I could not be there to take care of them. Again, I talked to my husband about how I was feeling and he told me to unite my sufferings to Christ’s sufferings as an offering to God to pray for other people. This was a powerful time for me, because I realized that my suffering could be used as a prayer to help so many people who I knew needed it, including this crazy world. I look back and thank God for this time I had…alone…with Him…in my bed…in prayer.

After Chemotherapy Treatments

Through the prayers of many people, including family, friends, patients of mine, co-workers, neighbors, parishioners, and even perfect strangers, I had the strength to get through 3 months of chemotherapy, a mastectomy, and am awaiting another surgery next month. Through this journey, God has allowed me to experience so many things, including learning how to trust in Him. I should mention that, prior to getting diagnosed with cancer, I had been praying for months for God to help me learn how to trust Him more. I will tell you that this experience did just that! Our prayers may not be answered in the way we want or imagine, but our Lord always hears us and always answers us.

If I can give any advice from my experience, it is to TRUST IN THE LORD. He is with you every step of the way, and He loves you. He is hurting when you are hurting, but He always brings out a greater good in the midst of suffering. If you are suffering in any kind of way, use your suffering as an offering to pray for those in need. You will be amazed how God can make something beautiful out of something tragic. Another thing I appreciate more and more every day is the gift of marriage and family. My husband and children were beside me every step of the way, and I cannot imagine life without them. I am also learning to stop and take a moment to appreciate the simple things in life…clouds in the sky, my children laughing, and much, much more.

Thank you for allowing me to tell my story, and I hope this story gives you hope, strength, peace, and trust in the Lord.

God bless! Alicia Rendon

Sophia, Alicia, Vincent, & Vivian


  1. Laurie Ousley
    March 29, 2016 / 9:42 pm

    This was beautiful, Brooke. Alicia is an incredible person and her story is such an inspiration. I’ve been lucky enough to know this woman and family for many years, both professionally and personally. I feel blessed to have crossed their paths, and fully recognize that God has connected us all for so many different reason. Her story helps keep us focused and strong. Thank you for sharing and allowing us the privilege of knowing such a personal experience with Him.

  2. March 29, 2016 / 9:51 pm

    Thank you Laurie! Love hearing from you. I was so grateful that she would share it in hopes to help others that may be going through the same thing. She’s an incredible person!

  3. Jess Cavello
    March 30, 2016 / 6:22 pm

    Oh my goodness I loved reading this. So much to learn from her experience. An incredible story… So uplifting. It’s amazing how God works. Thanks for sharing!