Let’s Tidy Up the Pantry

I cannot believe we have almost been in our home a year! With that being said, our pantry needed a good, deep clean. It also helped that it snowed overnight Friday, so we were stuck inside!

We started by removing all items shelf by shelf. Aaron helped me wipe everything down and the boys came in to grab snacks during the process. Our pantry is white, so I love using baskets to give some contrast and of course storage purposes. We went through ALL items and tossed anything that was expired, emptied noodles and rice into clear canisters, and rotated items by earliest expiration date so they would be used next. I also went through and made a list of labels to add to each basket to help with putting away groceries and keeping things organized. 

On each side we have cubby storage for kids snacks and I love that it is in reach for them to grab. Aaron’s coffee bar is on top (I HIGHLY recommend doing your coffee bar on some sort of platter or riser because they can get messy quick if you grind your beans or use coffee grounds). And underneath we store all of our crockpots, blenders, and griddle.

We are planning on going through the pantry baskets once a month to take account of what we have and need to use next. It only took us an hour to clean and it looked SO much better once we finished.

I have linked my items that I use and love for organization and storage here:


To view all the behind the scenes organization action go to: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookebcarmean

BEFORE to AFTER of our Pantry! How often do you go through and clean/organize things?